Congratulations to Pierides Iro for the successful defense of her Master thesis "Natural metabolic variation in chickpea under drought stress"!
Congratulations to Hannes Kramml for the successful defense of his Master thesis "Clusia - The only known CAM tree - High quality de novo genome...
PANOMICS at the interface of root–soil microbiome and BNI.
The successful research topic has been edited by Palak Chaturvedi and Wolfram Weckwerth from the University of Vienna, with Mahalingam Govindaraj from...
Proteomics for abiotic stresses in legumes: present status and future directions
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Biol. Dr. Stefanie Wienkoop was given a full professorship on plant-mikrobe-interaktion at the Faculty for Life Sciences....