An der Universität Wien (mit 20 Fakultäten und Zentren, 178 Studienrichtungen, ca. 9.800 Mitarbeiter/innen und rund 90.000 Studierenden) ist...

Labormanager in der Abteilung Molekulare Systembiologie - Karenzvertretung

Die Abteilung für Molekulare Systembiologie besetzt ehestmöglich die Position des Labmanagements.




We studied how different natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana, a common model plant, adjust their metabolism to different temperature regimes.

Our paper discusses a study on a phyllosphere symbiont called Paraburkholderia dioscoreae Msb3, which promotes plant growth through the production of...

Our paper introduces a new method called COVRECON, which can analyze how the interactions between different molecules in a biological system change...