Current CELBICS members

l to r: Paul Fuhrmann (BSc student), Alexandra Thür (BSc student), Susanne Danninger (BSc student), DI Dr Verena Ibl Privatdoz. (group leader), Madeleine Schnurer MSc (PhD student), Michael Barta (BSc student)

Research Focus

Development relies on progressive changes in gene expression as cell clusters, tissues and cell types are determined and differentiate. The cereal endosperm is a complex structure made up of different tissues with distinct cell types. Each cell type has a particular function that is directed by its own unique transcriptome and proteome.

Drought, heat, high salt and low temperature are the most common environmental stress factors that influence plant growth and development, and are major limits on plant productivity in cultivated areas worldwide. Besides altered biochemical pathways, the endomembrane system is affected by abiotic stress. Above all, vacuolar compartmentalization and vesicle trafficking have been reported.

The Endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) consists of four subunits 0, I, II, and III and is responsible for endocytic recycling of membrane proteins. Thus we aim to be highly specific by assaying the subcellular ESCRT-III transcriptome and proteome of developing barley endosperm. We are particularly interested to undertake a wide – ranging analysis of the barley endomembrane system in response to drought, heat and salt stimuli. Endocytosis regulating – , ESCRT-III and ESCRT-III interacting proteins will be analysed in response to drought, heat and salt stimuli during barley endosperm development and germination. We use the Leica® Laser microdissection microscope (AS LMD) for spatio – temporal sampling with subsequent gene expression and protein analyses. Thus, we use the AS LMD for subcellular sampling for analyzing the ESCRT-III proteome by LC-MS. Quantitative proteomic studies will include the analyses of different intracellular trafficking processes related to spatio-temporal regulated HvESCRT-III.

We want to perform a multidisciplinary approach for studying the expression profiles in specific cells strengthened by subcellular proteomics: live-cell imaging, RNA and protein studies will generate information on the interacting proteome of ESCRT-III at cellular resolution.

Recent Publications

Showing entries 1 - 5 out of 23
Ibl V, Peters J, Stoger E, Arcalís E. Imaging the ER and Endomembrane System in Cereal Endosperm. In Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol. 2772. Humana Press, Inc. 2024. p. 249-260. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 2772). doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3710-4_18

Retzer K, Ibl V. Editorial: Highlights of the 2nd D(dark grown)-root meeting. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023 Jun 21;14:1227490. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1227490

Dermendjiev GA, Schnurer M, Stewart E, Nägele T, Marino G, Leister D et al. A bench-top Dark-Root device built with LEGO® bricks enables a non-invasive plant root development analysis in soil conditions mirroring nature. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023 May 31;14:1166511. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1166511

Dermendjiev GA, Schnurer M, Stewart E, Nägele T, Marino G, Leister D et al. A bench-top dark-root device built with LEGO® bricks enables a non-invasive plant root development analysis in soil conditions mirroring nature. 2023 Feb 13. doi: 10.1101/2023.02.12.528178

Strobl M, Vollmann U, Eckl-Dorna J, Radakovics A, Ibl V, Schnurer M et al. Identification of apple cultivars hypoallergenic for birch pollen-allergic individuals by a multidisciplinary in vitro and in vivo approach. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2022 Aug;12(8):e12186. doi: 10.1002/clt2.12186

Showing entries 1 - 5 out of 23

School visit BG8 2019

As part of their last week of school, the class 3D of the Bundesgymnasium 8 Piaristengasse paid our group CELBICS (Cell biology in Crop Seeds) a visit. The students gained an inside view of plant science, GMOs and microscopy. In addition, they got a tour through CIUS (Core Facility Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research), where they got to know different microscopes. At the end they could try microscopy of barley seeds for themselves, as well as do a few experiments, like staining starch.

Link to school:


  • Guillaume Brûlé (former MSc student)
  • Lilian Kang (former MSc student)
  • Julian Reicher (former BSc student)
  • Raphael Piketz (former BSc student)
  • Anika Glöckler (former intern)
  • Paul Fuhrmann (former BSc student)
  • Leonie Scharl (former BSc student)
  • Michael Barta (former BSc student)
  • Alexandra Thür (former BSc student)
  • Susanne Danninger (former BSc student)
  • Georgi Dermendjiev (former MTA)
  • Hannah Beneš (former Elective Laboratory Course student)
  • Sarah Wilfinger (former Elective Laboratory Course student)
  • Madeleine Schnurer (former MSc student)
  • Marko Kondic (former BSc student)
  • Emilia Tochkova (former BSc student)
  • Claudia Gebert (former BSc student and student assistant)
  • Azita Shabrangi (former Post Doc)
  • Valentin Roustan (former Post Doc)
  • Laura Ullrich (former MSc student)