In Metabolomics we measure the levels of thousands of molecules simultaneously – which allows a much better understanding of metabolism.

Wir integrieren systemtheoretische Ideen mit molekularen Analysen auf Genomebene unter Verwendung von Genomik, Transkriptomik, Proteomik und Metabolomik, um die Genotyp-Umwelt-Phänotyp-Beziehung (GxExP) zu verstehen und vorherzusagen. Wir untersuchen pflanzliche, mikrobielle, tierische und menschliche Systeme.

The quality of state-of-the-art metabolomics technology depends on the quality of the preparation workflows, the quality of metabolite libraries and workflows for structural elucidation of novel structures. An interdisciplinary approach is necessary to tackle this problem.

Internationally recognized labs at the University of Vienna distributed over three faculties for Chemistry, Geosciences and Life Sciences consolidate their specific and complementary metabolomics platforms and application fields to build a Vienna Metabolomics Center.


The recent research lead by N Castejón and team from Faculty of Chemistry in collaboration with P Chaturvedi, A Ghatak and W Weckwerth published this...


The recent book chapter was drafted by MOSYS group from Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (Authors: P Chaturvedi, I Pierides, S Zhang,...


After a successful launch of the research topic, here comes the editorial, which was edited by P Chaturvedi from the University of Vienna, along with...


The review article from P Chaturvedi, I Pierides, A Ghatak, W Weckwerth in collaboration with the lead author from LMU Munich T Nagele and team...


The recent research work with ICRISAT, India in collaboration with Dr. A Ghatak, Dr. P Chaturvedi, Mag. L Fragner and Prof. W Weckwerth from the...


Jihang defended his thesis with the topic “Integration of genome-scale metabolic networks and inverse modeling to probe regulated metabolic...